Who we Support
Here are the environmental and social justice organizations that Craig Mountain Art & Design currently supports. Approximately 6.2% of our profits go towards these organizations and we hope to increase that percentage as we grow. You can view the breakdown of distribution in the graph below.
Environmental Organizations
0.6% - Panthera - https://www.panthera.org/
0.6% - Marine Conservation Institute - https://marine-conservation.org/
0.6% - National Audubon Society - https://www.audubon.org/
0.6% - Sierra Club - https://www.sierraclub.org/
Social Justice Organizations
1.9% - Southerners On New Ground - https://southernersonnewground.org/
0.6% - American Civil Liberties Union - https://www.aclu.org/
0.6% - Community Justice Action Fund - https://www.cjactionfund.org/
0.6% - Fair Fight - https://fairfight.com/
These are just a few out of hundreds of organizations working for environmental and racial justice. If you know a particular organization that does important work for these issues, please share them with us here! We hope to add to our list and also shift our support to align more with our vision of racial and environmental justice.
For more information and other organizations that work to advocate for and support Black Lives and Communities of Color, take a look at this site: